Eye-opening facts about shoplifting that everyone should know

Shoplifting on the surface may look nothing more like a minor offense that could land someone in jail for a few days at most. However, statistics show that shoplifting is anything but trivial , with it being one of the most common crimes in the United States. Image source: safesinternational.com Reports show that the damage done by shoplifting has gone over $30 billion. This is the entire loss experienced by businesses that have fallen victim to shoplifting. In fact, on an average, stores have reported that an average of 2.5 percent of their products are stolen. A few businesses have even closed down after experiencing rampant shoplifting. Image source: pgsservices.ca It has been estimated the act has been committed between 300 to 400 million times a year, which would mean nearly a million times a day all over the country. While this number might seem too big to comprehend, it should be noted that this includes incidents of obje...