What to do if you are wrongfully accused of a crime

It is possible for an innocent person to be wrongfully accused of a crime. This can be due to circumstantial evidence, wrong information, or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you are innocent but is wrongfully accused of a crime, there are steps you need to take to protect yourself. Image source: foottlaw.com.au First and foremost, do not resist and remain silent. Unlike what they say about guilty parties remaining silent during an arrest, speaking out to the police could have repercussions. For one, they could misinterpret your words and use them against you. As much as you would want to explain the situation, remain silent until you are in the presence of an attorney. If you are accused of a crime and law enforcement makes an attempt to search your home, do not allow them. All policemen need is your permission to search your home. If they play the “if you’re innocent, there’s nothing for you to hide” game, don’t fall for it. It is also possible to be ...