Ways to handle a traffic stop by a police officer

New drivers have much to learn about the rules of the road, from proper etiquette to abiding by different road signs. Inability to master these various regulations can lead you getting pulled over by a traffic police, which for many is a nerve-wracking experience in itself. Law student Eric Wetlaufer offers tips to keep in mind below, whether or not it’s your first time to deal with a traffic stop. Image source: usacarry.com Know that if you act improperly when talking to the police, like sounding all irritated or complaining incessantly that you’re being delayed unnecessarily, chances are you’d just get into more trouble. So instead of yakking away irritably, be respectful and avoid getting into an argument. Ask politely what your traffic infraction or violation is and listen intently to what the officer has to say in this regard. Image source: freshgreenlight.com Remember to keep your hands on the steering wheel and avoid making any...